Understanding the World

Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their
physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe
and find out about people, places, technology and the environment

These involve 3 different aspects
  • People and communities
  • The World
  • Technology

There are many different ways you can do to support these

Family and Friends

Here are some things to consider when visiting family and friends

  • Talk to children about their family members and why they are important
  • Be positive about differences between people and support children
  • Encourage children to make positive relationships with the community, such doctors and policemen
  • Make a photo book with family members in and look at their occupation
  • Take a toy and share it with others, encourage children to remember which toy  belongs to them
  • Talk about other peoples pets


Here are some things to consider

  • Give children cause and effect toys, toy keyboard
  • Encourage children to turn the Tv on
  • Use tablet, I pad or computers
  • Research children interests using the computers with them, so they can see that you can find information using it.

Everyday routines

Here are some things to consider during everyday routines

  • Taking care of family and friends pets.
  • Discuss the effects of the children’s actions, such as when you press this button the TV comes on.
  • Talk about things the children have observed, such as plants and animals
  • Look at foods that have been sitting for a while and foods that are new to develop an understanding of growth, decay and change
  • Take paper and crayons to the park, encourage children to do tree, leaves and stone rubbings and look at the patterns.

Here are some activities Rainbow Robins may do to support understanding the world, which you could try some of these at home.

  • Watching change happen
  • Exploring natural objects
  • Looking at children’s family
  • Planting
  • Food tasting
  • Cooking
  • Using ICT equipment
  • Tidying away toys
  • Taking care of the fish
  • Discuss our findings and observations
  • Making a family book